National Cyber Defense

Safeguarding the Government and Critical Infrastructure Providers
The Syborg national cyber defense solution powers your National Security Operations Center (SOC) and creates an intelligence map of evolving, imminent and executed national cyber threats.

Protecting Your National
Cyber Borders

Syborg’s National Defense Solution detects cyber threats on a national level SOC with a multi-layered approach that gathers intelligence on malicious activities spanning national organizations and critical infrastructure, across and beyond the national cyber borders
Scale Visibility
Gain nationwide visibility and gauge the national cyber threat level. Identify high risk infrastructure and organizations, malicious campaigns, active cyber-attacks and threat actors.
Front Line
of Defense
Safeguard the civilian cyberspace, providing an extra layer of defense for every citizen and organization to securely live and do business online.
More than 20 years of successful deployments of leading security and intelligence data mining technologies for national scale projects around the world.

Threat detection
on a national scale

  • Distributed detection engines and high-capacity metadata generation.
  • Collection & Analytics at petabytes scale, proactively exposing threats as they evolve over-time.
  • Fuse and validate all collected records into behaviors and threat infrastructures to continuously gauge the national threat level.

Safeguard the
civilian cyberspace

  • Create a national eco-system for visualization, incident management, investigation and policy provisioning.
  • Provide nation-based organizations with real time localized threat intelligence to increase their security measures.
  • Mitigate and respond to malicious campaigns targeting the nation at the backbone level.

Making the world a safer
place for over 20 years

  • Delivering advanced data mining Solutions with deep domain expertise to Improve the velocity and effectiveness of national security operations.
  • Continuously executing and delivering projects of all scales over the world.
  • Our team includes over a thousand experts in the intelligence and cyber security domains.